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National Pet Cancer Awareness Month

November was Pet Cancer Awareness Month, which reminds us to keep up to date with our pets’ veterinary visits and keep an eye on any changes in their health. When you visit your animal clinic in Saratoga, be sure to ask your veterinarian to check your pet for signs of cancer. Continue reading to learn more about cancer in pets.

Spreading the Word

Various organizations and companies strive to spread the word about how cancer can affect pets just like it does people. Understanding how cancer can affect animals and knowing what you can do to catch or prevent its development is important as a pet owner.

Focusing on Prevention

Luckily, there are several things that you can do to help keep your pet cancer-free. First, keep your pet at a healthy weight by providing him with plenty of exercise and feeding him the right amount of nutritious pet food. If you have a cat or dog who spends long hours in the sun, then ask your veterinarian about the sunscreen that you can apply to his nose and ears, especially if he has white hair in these areas. Finally, be careful about what chemicals you use on your lawn because some products have been linked to cancer in some dog breeds.

Knowing the Signs

While prevention can go a long way in keeping your pet healthy, it’s also important to be aware of the signs of cancer in animals. If your pet has any unexplained bleeding or an enlarging or changing lump, talk to your vet. Chronic weight loss, diarrhea, or vomiting also warrant a trip to the pet clinic. Finally, coughing, abdominal distension, swollen lymph nodes, bad breath, difficulty urinating, and unexplained lameness can all be signs of cancer in pets. Remember to schedule annual appointments at your animal hospital to give your pet’s veterinarian a chance to catch the early signs of cancer.