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Dog Proofing Your Home

Whether it’s a puppy or a full-grown dog, it’s very exciting to bring a new canine companion into your home. In all the excitement, though, don’t forget to pet-proof, just as you’d baby-proof for a new baby. Expect to keep revising the safety plan for your dog, as all the different skills and personality quirks of your pet are revealed. Remember, all dogs are unique, and what works for one dog may be completely insufficient with another. Here are some tips, though, to get you started.

  • In the kitchen: Keep your counters clear and put child-proof locks on the cabinet doors. Don’t leave food anywhere that a snooping dog can get to it, and don’t leave out anything that could be eaten and shouldn’t, like twist ties, wrappers, bread clips, and sponges. Keep garbage locked away, and store sharp things and medications out of reach.
  • In the bedroom: As with all the other rooms, put things out of reach that could be easily eaten. This includes socks, which some dogs consider an appealing snack.
  • In the bathroom: Securely store cleaning supplies, toiletries, and medications. Keep the toilet lid closed- and maybe locked- to keep dogs from drinking toilet water. While they might seem harmless, hair ties can be dangerous if eaten, so keep them put away somewhere out of reach.
  • In the garage and laundry room: Keep chemicals and cleaners out of reach or locked away. Never allow antifreeze to stay on the floor or driveway: it’s highly toxic to animals. Keep sharp objects out of reach, and close washer and dryer doors so your pets won’t climb inside.
  • In the living areas: Secure dangling wires and cords. Put away your kids’ toys and any knick-knacks that pets could find tempting. Research the toxicity of houseplants before you bring them into the house and keep the plants you choose out of reach. Cover heating and air vents. Never leave a window open around an unattended dog, because dogs have been known to jump through screens if they are interested in something outside.
  • Throughout the house: Store laundry where the pets can’t reach it, because buttons, drawstrings, and other detachable items can be a problem if they’re eaten. Put away sewing notions and craft supplies so the dogs can’t get into them. Try to see the world from your pet’s point of view and eliminate anything that could be hazardous.

At Reed Animal Hospital, we treat your pets as if they were our own. Our goal is to help you and your pet enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life together, so our extraordinary team offers a wide range of services. We’ve got veterinarians, technicians, assistants, and receptionists, all prepared to help you and your pet, and we even offer referrals to specialty surgeons, many of whom will travel to our office to consult with you. For more information or to make an appointment, call us in Campbell at 408-369-1788, or in Saratoga at 408-647-2906.