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The right foods help your dog grow up healthy and strong. The wrong foods could lead to an emergency visit to the animal hospital in San Jose. Use this guide to determine which foods that your dog cannot eat:

As delicious as avocado is for humans, it can be toxic for your dog. Avocado has high levels of persin, which is extremely dangerous for dogs, especially if they eat it in large doses. You should be very careful to keep avocados away from your canine companion. If you grow avocado plants in your yard, you should build a fence so the dog cannot nibble on the plant.

Dogs actually have a very low tolerance for alcohol so even small amounts can negatively affect the animal’s liver and brain. If you let your dog take a sip of your beer or mixed drink, it might lead to vomiting, diarrhea, depression, breathing troubles, and, in extreme cases, it can lead to death. If your dog had some alcohol and is starting to act differently, you should bring him to the vet.

Onions and Garlic
Whether your dog eats onion or garlic in solid or powdered form, these foods wreak havoc on the animal’s red blood cells. If your dog gains access to too much of it, he might become anemic and start to vomit or have difficulty breathing. You should be very diligent about keeping onions and garlic away from your dogs.

Caffeine is extremely dangerous for dogs and comes with no antidote. If your dog ingests too much caffeine, it could be fatal. If you notice that your dog is breathing rapidly, is restless, has muscle tremors, or starts bleeding in unusual places, you should definitely schedule an emergency appointment with your vet.

Milk, ice cream, and other dairy products do not agree with your dog’s digestive system. If he eats dairy, he might get diarrhea or experience other digestive problems. Other dairy allergies could also manifest as symptoms like itchiness.

5 Foods Your Pets Should Never Eat in Campbell and Saratoga